

目前顯示的是 6月, 2022的文章

Daiwie Fu: A Brief Intellectual Biography

  Daiwie Fu: A Brief Intellectual Biography 1, Brief introduction Daiwie Fu, ( 傅大為 birth in 1953, Sep.) is a   Taiwanese   academic, the founding editor in chief of an international STS academic journal   East Asian Science, Technology and Society , and a self-appointed radical intellectual. Former Distinguished Professor of the graduate institute of STS, now Emeritus Professor in National Yang-Ming Chao-Tong University. His research areas are: science and technology studies, gender and medicine in modern Taiwan, gender and science, East Asian STS, history and philosophy of science, and also history of Chinese science (mainly on   biji , Mengxi Bitan and the cultural history of science in the   Song Dynasty ), and recently he extends his research on actions of contemporary radical intellectuals. He published papers widely in Chinese, English, Italian, Korean, and Japanese. He published three academic books, a few books of social criticisms, and have founded several academ