
Daiwie Fu: A Brief Intellectual Biography


Daiwie Fu: A Brief Intellectual Biography

1, Brief introduction

Daiwie Fu, (傅大為 birth in 1953, Sep.) is a Taiwanese academic, the founding editor in chief of an international STS academic journal East Asian Science, Technology and Society, and a self-appointed radical intellectual. Former Distinguished Professor of the graduate institute of STS, now Emeritus Professor in National Yang-Ming Chao-Tong University. His research areas are: science and technology studies, gender and medicine in modern Taiwan, gender and science, East Asian STS, history and philosophy of science, and also history of Chinese science (mainly on biji, Mengxi Bitan and the cultural history of science in the Song Dynasty), and recently he extends his research on actions of contemporary radical intellectuals. He published papers widely in Chinese, English, Italian, Korean, and Japanese. He published three academic books, a few books of social criticisms, and have founded several academic journals (including a radical journal in Taiwan, Taiwan: a Radical Quarterly in Social Studies) and several magazines in Taiwan. Ever since the lifting of Taiwan’s martial law, he had participated in some social movements and has engaged in social and gender criticisms, on and off. But he also had plunged into Taiwan’s university bureaucracy/structure as dean of humanities and social sciences for some years. Now he is an emeritus professor, a senior citizen of Taiwan, and is still looking for the next stage of actions and researches after a university life for more than 30 years.


e-mail: dwfu@mx.nthu.edu.tw

2, education.

B.S.  Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 1975.

M.A.  Philosophy, Ohio State University, USA, 1980.

Ph.D. Philosophy, Columbia University, New York, USA, 1986.

3, teaching and university career

-           Associate/Professor, History, Division of History of Science, and Division of STS. National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, 1986-2009.

-           Professor, Institute of Science, Technology, and Society, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, TAIWAN, 2007/09-2019.

-           Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, TAIWAN, 2009-2015.

-           Emeritus Professor, National Yang-Ming and Chao-Tong University, 2019~ 

-           Visiting Scholars, in Harvard, SOAS, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, and Univ. Paris 7, and EHESS.

4, areas of research, social studies, engagements

-        Science and Technology Studies, Science, technology, and Society, and STS Studies of East Asia.

-    Cultural History of Chinese Science in China’s Middle Period (from Tang to Song), including biji Texts and especially Mengxi Bitan.

-        History of Modern Medicine in Taiwan and its Gender/Sexuality Aspects.

-        Gender & Science, and Gender & Medicine.

-        History of postwar Taiwanese intellectuals.

-        Social and political criticisms after the lifting of Taiwan’s martial law.


Editor-in-Chief, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society –An International Journal (EASTS, Quarterly, published by Springer and later by Duke University Press from 2010), 2007 summer to the end of 2012.

President, Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly on Social Studies,(台灣社會研究季刊)1988 to 1992?

Editor-in-Chief, Philosophy and the History of Science, 1995-1998 (Taiwan, Yuan-Liou)


5, a brief books list of academic works and social criticisms.

Knowledge Pursuits in Heterogeneous Spaces and Times: Collections of Papers in History and Philosophy of Science (1992 in Chinese《異時空裡的知識追逐》東大), Philosophy and Conceptual History of Science in Taiwan, co-eds. with Lin Cheng-Hung (1992, Kluwer, BSPS series),  Assembling the Asiastic New Body: Gender/Sexuality, Medicine, and Modern Taiwan (2005 in Chinese 《亞細亞的新身體》群學), A Genealogical History of STS and Its Multiple Constructions: To Weave an Extensive Network for Gazing upon the Modern Sciences (2019 in Chinese STS的緣起與多重建構》臺大出版中心)

Books/collections in social criticisms and edited collection including: Radical Notes (《基進筆記》 1990桂冠)The Spaces of Knowledge and Power (《知識與權力的空間》1990桂冠)Knowledge, Power, and Women (《知識、權力、與女人》 1993自立)Three Answers to the Question of What is Science (《回答科學是什麼的三個答案》 2006-09群學)Kuhn’s Critical Reader in Taiwan (2001 in Chinese《孔恩評論集》巨流) co-edited with Chu Yuan-Hong.

His current middle-range research project is to write a book to describe and understand the actions and ways of doing things of two radical intellectuals he admires: Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault. He would then reflect upon, together with his Taiwan experience as a radical scholar during the years after lifting the martial law, what could be constituted as a radical intellectual/scholar in the contemporary world.

Translations: Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1985, with Cheng Shude, Wang daohuan, also the newest 4th edition in 2021)


6, influenced by (Yeh Hsin-yun 葉新雲, Li Chao 李喬, Edward, T. Ch’ien 錢新祖, Thomas Kuhn, Noam Chomsky, Michel Foucault, Evelyn F. Keller, Steve Shapin, Donald MacKenzie). And Influencing?… (to be filled out by others)


7, a life, works and debates

Daiwie Fu was born in Taiwan. His parents came from mainland China. His father was a two terms Committee Member of Taiwan’s Examination Yuan. Fu’s undergraduate was major in physics. He liked physics, chemistry, and biology in high school, but later in Tsing-Hua University his interests in literature and philosophy grew. Following Taiwan’s student trends then to study abroad for Ph.D degree after graduation, he went to US graduate school in 1978, first in OSU to study logic and analytic philosophy and later in Columbia University to study history, philosophy and sociology of science. During his graduate studies, he encountered Kuhn’s classic The Structure and was excited about it, as that book explained why Fu gradually distanced himself from physics and moved to history and philosophy of science. He also met Professor Robert Merton in Columbia for sociology of science and was encouraged to read Ludwik Fleck. As stayed in NYC for long, Fu was also politically enlightened, reading Chomsky and Said, and met Taiwanese political exiles and oversea activists. He got his ph.D degree with a thesis on history and philosophy of science of the 17th century Europe: the competition between Newtonian and Huygensian optics. Dr. Fu returned to Taiwan in 1986 and began to teach in National Tsing-Hua University, his alma mater. He became a professor in the institute of history, section of history of science, and also started promoting history of science as adjunct professor in many universities, as history of science was a new branch of history in Taiwan during late 80s.

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s late 80s was a period of social movements and democratization. After continued challenges from Taiwan’s liberals and oppositional movements, KMT finally lifted its long term Martial-Law and freed the society from controls and repressions. Fu took the opportunities and actively participated in the democratization movements, and promoted radical scholarship. He wrote quite a few newspaper columns and published several small collections of social criticism. He had also spent time to gather Taiwan’s radical intellectuals to establish a new journal, Taiwan: a Radical Journal in Social Studies, which had had strong impacts on social sciences and humanities graduate students of later generations. On the other hand, Fu’s academic works continued and developed, ranging from history and philosophy of science to Taiwan’s cultural and intellectual history. He also open a research path, informed by Fu’s own philosophy of science, into Chinese history of science. Later his interests focused on a new reading and analysis of Song’s biji (筆記) classic Mengxi Bitan (夢溪筆談), and he had made his name for this research in international circles of sinology. Fu’s methodology of analyzing biji text is to understand one jotting of interest, not as isolated but as contextualized in the category (門類) of that jotting was embedded, and also to understand that category within the overall classificatory or taxonomic structure of categories of that biji. This research path seems to to be inspired from late Kuhn and Foucault.

Fu later continued to develop his interest in social studies of science, which overlapped with Taiwan government’s concerns with Taiwan’s long term technology controversies in society, such as the long and intensive social debates about nuclear power. This brought about the formation of Taiwan’s STS (Science and Technology Studies) intellectual movements. In cooperating with other like-minded intellectuals in social sciences and feminists, Fu had thus helped to establish an international journal, sponsored by Taiwan’s ministry of science and technology: East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal (EASTS). Fu’s engagements of STS in recent decades had also helped to form the first STS graduate institute, plus the first school of humanities and social sciences in National Yang-Ming University (Now National Yang-Ming and Chia-Tong University), also to establish Taiwan’s STS Society, and finally accumulated to one of his major publications: A Genealogical History of STS and Its Multiple Constructions.

As a social-oriented scholar who was benefited early from Taiwan’s democratization and it open-minded atmosphere, Fu also had the opportunities to explore and helped to open some new fields in Taiwan: gender and science, gender and medicine. Fu’s interests and concerns in issues of gender and sex stemmed partly from his personal life and past marriage. During this process, he had invited or introduced important feminists of science studies like Sandra Harding and Evelyn Keller to Taiwan, and had also participated to establish a new Gender Studies Graduate Institute in Kaohsiung Medical University from 2002-04. Coupled with his inspiration of Foucault’s works in sexuality, he had done some extensive research of gender and medicine in modern Taiwan, ranging from late Qing Taiwan (on Dr.MaKay’s Presbyterian religious medicine), colonial medicine under Japan, and post war Pax-American medicine. One of its focus was on the classic issues of competition and complement between midwives and obstetrician-gynecologists in Taiwan’s modern history. Fu’s contention was that there is a gender-biased medical structure in Taiwan’s OBGYN-related medicine rooted in Taiwan’s colonial modernity and perpetuated later, which can only be deconstructed and reformed by contemporary feminist-oriented movements.

There were naturally some debates concerning Fu’s ideas and researches. From his earlier social criticism and his current book project research, he has been constructing a conception of “radicality” with a special Chinese phrase(基進). This conception was partly inspired by Foucault’s works on historical marginalities, thus Fu had proposed a conception of “marginal struggle” to emphasize the importance of marginalities and its subversive power. It had gained some importance in the early phases of Taiwan’s democratic movements. He advised activists engaging social criticism from the margins and not to be seduced to become part of the center: i.e., parliament or state. But this position was not popular among social activists who work with political oppositions and eager to become elected congressmen or ministers. Only by taking control of the state machine, they argued, can we really change or reform the society. A brief reflection of Fu’s idea of radicality in the last three decades and his further theoretical notes was addressed in his “Radicality 2.0” (基進 2.0, 2019). Another debate, or at least tension, is between Fu’s position concerning the relationship between philosophy of science (PS) and STS. Although coming to Taiwan’s academic world as a philosopher of science, he later switched to history of science and especially to STS in his second half of academic life. This switch did not please some younger philosophers of science, who had considered Fu an important ally. Similar to the tension between PS and STS in Euro-America contexts, PS in Taiwan is often suspicious of STS being relativism and excessive constructivism, whereas STS is quick to dismiss PS as egg-headed academic and irrelevant to social issues of science, technology and medicine. Sometimes Fu indeed gave others impressions like that, but he also wrote papers concerning this tension and looked for ways to respect or complement each other, as can be seen from his 2013 paper on “boundary-crossings” and his new 2021 General Introduction to the fourth edition of Taiwanese translation of Kuhn’s Structure Fu had helped to translate back to 1985.

Daiwie Fu has a son Allen Fu with his family in New York City, and Fu now lives with his partner Jui-Ch’i Liu in Danshui of New Taipei City, Taiwan.


8, Selected research works in four parts (for a fuller list, or a list of the most recent 15 years, look into Fu’s materials in the website of STS graduate institute of Taiwan’s NYCU)

-           a), philosophy of science, and other social studies of Taiwan

1.         1986, Sep., "Problem Domain and Developmental Strategies──a Study on the Logic of Competition and Development of Scientific Programs", Ph. D Thesis, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A. (Microfilms Inc., Account No. DA 058785. Ann Arbor, MI.)

2.         1989, Jan, "The Dialectic of the History of Positivistic Science as a Discourse: From Enlightenment in the West to Yin Hai-Kuang in Taiwan", Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, Vol.1, 4, pp.11-56

3.         1994, “H2O 的一個不可共量史──重論「不可共量性」及其與意義理論之爭”(“A History of Incommensurability for ‘H2O’”)《第四屆美國文學與思想研討會論文選集》,哲學篇,中央研究院歐美所, pp. 95 - 122

4.         1995, Sep., “Higher Taxonomy and Higher Incommensurability” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 273 - 294.

5.         1997, 「百朗森林裡的文字獵人──試讀台灣原住民的漢文書寫」收入《身份認同與公共文化》 ("Words Hunters in the Jungle of BAI-LANG--- A Reading on the Chinese Writings by Taiwan's aborigines", originally published in Con-Temporary magazine, and later published in Oxford Univ. Press Hong Kong) 陳清橋編,1997,牛津大學出版社。pp.385-412

6.         2019,「基進2.0(“Radicality, 2.0”)《臺灣理論關鍵詞》史書美、梅家玲、廖朝陽、陳東升主編,頁205-217(聯經)

7.         2021, “Kuhn in the humanities and social studies of science”, a General Introduction for the fourth edition of the Taiwanese translation of T. Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962), published by Yuan-Liou, Taipei.

-           b), Chinese history of science

1.         1988, June, "A Study on the Historical Development and Transformation of ZHOU-BI(周髀)Research Tradition", Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, new series 18, no.1, pp.1-41.

2.         1991, May, "Why Did Liu Hui Fail to Derive the Volume of a Sphere?" Historica Mathematica, Vol. 18, pp. 212 - 238.

3.         1993-4, Nov., “A Contextual and Taxonomic Study on the 'Divine Marvels' and 'Strange Occurrences' in Mengxi Bitan”, Chinese Science, No. 11, pp. 3 - 35.

4.         1998, July, “On Crossing Taxonomies and Boundaries: A Critical Note on Comparative History of Science and Zhao Youqin’s ‘Optics’”, Taiwanese Journal for Philosophy and History of Science, No. 8, (1996-1997), pp.103-        127.

5.         1999, “On Mengxi Bitan’s [夢溪筆談] World of Marginalities and ‘South-Pointing Needles’: Fragment Translation vs. Contextual Translation” De l’Un au Multiple. De la traduction du Chinois dans les langues Europeennes, edited by Viviane Alleton and Michael Lackner, pp.175-201, Editions de la Maison de Sciences de l’Homme.

6.         2001, “An Early Geomantic Theory and its Relation to Compass Deviation”, Ch.11.2, History of Science in China Volume, Encyclopedia for History of Science, sponsored by Enciclopedia Italiana and Académie internationale d’histoire des sciences. (Italian version: Storia Della Scienza, Vol.II, Sezione I, La Scienza in Cina, ch.11.2, pp.119-25. Its English original manuscript is available upon request.)

7.         2007, “The Flourishing of Biji or Pen-Notes Texts and its Relations to History of Knowledge in Song China (960-1279)”, in a special issue “What did it mean to write an Encyclopedia in China?”, pp.103-130, Hors Serie, Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident, 2007, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes.

8.         2010, “When Shen Gua Encountered the ‘Natural World’--- A Preliminary Discusson on Mengxi Bitan and the Concept of Nature”, eds., by Hans Ulrich Vogel and Günter Dux, in Concepts of Nature: A Chinese-European Cross-Cultural Perspective, Brill: Leiden & Boston (2010), pp.285-309.

-           c), gender and science, gender and medicine in modern Taiwan

1.         1996, April, (與王秀雲合作)「台灣女性科學家的九零年代風貌──試析「科學/女性/社會脈絡」諸相關領域」(“Women Scientists in Taiwan and their Current Situations in Science,Gender, and Society”)Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies, no.22, pp.1-58

2.         1999, June,“融會在玉米田裡的「非男性」科學──關於「女性科學」的哲學論爭與新發展”(“A Feeling for Corn Field in Keller’s ‘Non-Masculine’ Science”),《歐美研究》,第29卷第二期,pp.1-40. 中研院歐美研究所。

3.         2006, “CS, VBAC, and an Ironic Past in Taiwan’s Obstetrics” in No.2, Gender and Sexuality, pp.25-41, CGS, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan.

4.         2009, “대만의 1세대 남녀 산부인과 의사: 식민지적 의료근대화와 젠더 구조 translated and revised from the SNUH symposium (2nd International Symposium: The First Generation of Native Doctors in East Asian Countries, Seoul National University Hospital) article “Two first-generation Obstetrics-Gyneacology doctors in Taiwan: Colonial Medical Modernity and Gender Structure”, 동아시아 1세대 의사들의 생애,  pp.200-257.

5.         2017,「『醫療化』論點的當代多元演化,與來自性別與社會研究的商榷(Contemporary multiple evolutions of the ‘medicalization’ thesis and commentaries from gender and social studies of medicine),《東亞醫療史:殖民、性別與現代性》聯經出版社。

-           d), science and technology studies, East Asian STS, genealogy of SSK/STS.

1.         2007, “How far can East Asian STS go?”, position paper, 1st issue of EASTS (East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal), Vol.1, no.1, pp.1-14.

2.         2013,「定位與多重越界:回首重看STS與科哲」(Positions and Multiple Boundary-Crossings ---A Reflection on the Relationship between STS and Philosophy of Science)《科技、醫療與社會》,No.16. pp.49-102.

3.         2020, June  “Emergence, Social and Cognitive Trends, and the Next Step? Two Decades of STS in Contemporary Taiwan,” EASTS, vol.14, no.2: 411-418

4.         2020, “A genealogical explication on the emergence and constructions of STS: a view from East Asia,” Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, Vol.3, no.1, (pp.1-11)



(postscript: This brief intellectual biography was prepared and written with great helps from a friend, a former student 王珮瑩. Although it did not publish in a place we originally intended to, it at least goes and stays in Fu’s blog “New Radical Notes”, which is a fine place for locating Fu’s many short articles and social criticisms in recent years.)





  重啟核四的脈絡性思考 (刊於「報導者」讀者投書,2021/12/3,第一行可以點入,此文刊於四個公投之前。由朋友邱花妹向我拉稿而來,謝謝。) 後記:四個公投之後,重啟核四公投沒有成功,這是我們當時的希望。但是,在拙文中,筆者特別提到2025年非核家園、屆時替代能源將達到台灣電力的20%。根據筆者在撰寫此文時,筆者估計民進黨政府應該可以作到這個目標,故而支持並肯定這個目標。但沒有想到,四個公投才過,民進黨政府很快的就放棄了這個20%的目標(後來來自經濟部能源局的預估,王美花也認為達不到),我覺得我對民進黨替代能源政策宣示的支持,被打臉了。 我後來在一月六日的 studylist 上,有如下的文字,也算是我對民進黨誠信問題的一個記錄: 2025年再生能源達到20%的承諾或努力何在? 大家好,公投剛過,是否民進黨政府就放棄了2025年再生能源達到20%的承諾或努力?泛藍方面一片罵聲四起。這是公投前的有意說謊嗎? 參考「 2025綠電達不到2成 電力大限 」,特別是其中廣為流傳、來自「立法院預算中心」的表格(經濟部能源局評估2020至2027能源配比簡表),到2025年,再生能源只佔15.2% (燃煤則是接近33%)!到2026再生能源也只有18.0%。 若再參考之前大約一個月前趙家緯、蔡卉荀的文字「 臺灣的非核減煤路徑」 (下面那封之前家緯在 list 上所引的文字),其中的圖五,也都是假設2025再生能源是20%。如果現在只有15%,豈不讓燃煤仍然居高,燃氣並無法補足?圖五也亂了套? 經濟部能源局似乎也有回應。有兩篇「新聞澄清」,其中之一為:「 經濟成長帶動發電增加 但綠能目標總量不變 且燃氣可增調度 」。能源局沒有否定上面的表格圖示,反而提了理由:經濟成長、台商回台投資、台積電擴廠等理由(所謂的分母變大),但那些理由公投前就知道了,家緯那時的文章就已提到,結果現在仍然用這個理由來解釋為何2025年再生能源只能到15%?也都把燃氣當做是解方。可是,那又如何解釋立法院預算中心在上面所看到的表格?特別是燃煤比例仍然不降。能源局甚至隱約意含說,2025再生能源可以達到20%的說法,其實是來自2016的評估,但當時許多國內外事務沒有預料到云云,但這些解釋,為何在公投之前不敢講? 各種數字與解釋很多,但令我驚訝的是,公投才剛過,核四不復出、三接繼續,經濟部就馬上說2025年再
  杭士基談俄國入侵烏克蘭: 它的起源、如何應對、與人類歷史的關鍵 杭士基在 2022 三月一日發表了這個談話。雖然離今天已經過了一個星期了,但這個談話的觀察與回顧,超越了每日的侵略與戰爭進展,很值得我們細讀與反思,甚至可以放進台灣今天的脈絡裡。文中有七個地方,杭士基訪談原文在那裡都有進一步的網址,算是他自己的資料註釋。有興趣的讀者可以進入網頁原文去找那些超連結,另外我也加了八個譯注, 放在譯文結尾 。 傅大為 Mar. 8th 此文在 Truthout 的原網址為: https://truthout.org/articles/noam-chomsky-us-military-escalation-against-russia-would-have-no-victors/ ------------------------------     諾姆.杭士基 (Noam Chomsky) :美國對俄國的軍事行動升級,不會有勝利者 Truthout, 1/March/2022, C.J.Polychroniou 訪談 傅大為譯 2022/3/8 前言: 俄國入侵烏克蘭,讓世人大吃一驚。杭士基在一個 Truthout 的獨家訪談中認為,它是個無端、沒有正當理由的攻擊,並將成為 21 世紀歷史上最主要的戰火罪行之一。俄國總統普丁的政治考慮,不能用來做為發動入侵一個主權國家的理由。但是,面對這個可怕的入侵,美國一定得採用緊急的外交作法,而非軍事行動的升級,因為後者可能會成為「執行我們整個物種的死刑,沒有任何勝利的一方」。 諾姆.杭士基 (Noam Chomsky) 是國際上承認當今在世最重要的知識分子之一。他的知識地位曾被拿來與伽利略、牛頓與笛卡爾做比較,因為他的工作在一整串不同的學術與科學研究上都有極大的影響,包括了語言學、邏輯與數學、計算機科學、心理學、媒體研究、哲學、政治與國際關係等。他是約 150 本書的作者。。。 MIT 的榮譽學院教授、目前是 Arizona 大學的桂冠教授。   Polychroniou: 諾姆,俄國入侵烏克蘭,驚訝了很多人,震驚了世界。但早有很多的跡象顯示,普丁對 NATO (北大西洋公約組織)的向東擴張、還有華盛頓拒絕認真看待普丁的維安「紅線」(包括烏克蘭),已經變得非常惱怒。你想,為何他在這